When Does Winter Tire Application Start?

Changing tires at the beginning of the winter months is of great importance for safe driving. The transition from summer tires to winter tires must be completed by December 1. As of December 1, those who do not make the transition may be subject to penal action.
What to Consider When Choosing Winter Tires?
Choosing the appropriate tire size for the vehicle and tread thickness are the most important issues to be considered when choosing tires. Especially in new winter tires, the tread thickness varies between 7mm and 9 mm. In Turkey, the tire tread depth limit is determined as at least 1.6 mm under the "Regulation on Vehicle Inspection". Replacing tires with tread depths below 4 mm is recommended for safe driving.
What Can Be Done to Increase Vehicle Tire Life?
Tie rod balancing and brake settings should be made by installing a tire in the appropriate tire size for the vehicle. It should be ensured that the tire air pressure remains at the same pressure by measuring the tire air pressure at certain intervals, and the load weight suitable for the vehicle and tire carrying capacity should be preferred. In addition, choosing tires suitable for the season is among the things to be done to extend tire life.