Commercial Electronic Message and Marketing Consent Text
This Consent Form has been prepared by GoodCars Rental to inform you about electronic communications that will be sent to you in accordance with the provisions of the "Regulation on Commercial Communication and Commercial Electronic Messages" ("Regulation"), published in the Official Gazette dated September 29, 2021, and numbered 24986, and amended by the Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated December 15, 2021, and numbered 10473.
By accepting this Consent Form, you acknowledge being informed about the promotional, marketing, campaign, promotion, opportunity, and informational messages related to GoodCars Rental's commercial activities that will be conducted on GoodCars Rental's website and similar electronic platforms. You also agree that communication may be established with you through electronic mail, text messages, phone calls, and similar means within the scope of these activities, and that, if necessary, these records may be shared with the relevant Ministry.
The acceptance of this Consent Form is valid until the exercise of the right of refusal; non-acceptance will not affect the services provided by GoodCars Rental. You have the right to cease receiving commercial electronic messages from GoodCars Rental at any time, without specifying any reasons, and you can communicate your request to our company using the contact information available on the website.
This Consent Form is an integral part of the Cookie and Privacy Agreement published on www.goodcarsrental.com."